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About EAP | 关于EAP

EAP (Employee Assistance Program) is a systematic and sustainable intervention providing professional psychological support which includes psychological counseling, well-being lectures and specific empowering workshops to benefit both employers and employees. It has become an index for human-centric management and excellent workplace measurement. More than 95% of the world's top 500 enterprises have carried out EAP. 

Together with Shengxin, AHK offers companies the extraordinary opportunity to buy EAP solutions at a favorable price. AHK EAP is designed to serve both member and non-member companies.

员工帮助计划 (EAP)是一套系统的可持续的干预措施。通过专业的心理辅导支持,帮助增强员工的心理健康,提高工作效率,以此改善组织氛围并提升组织绩效,让组织和个人都从中受益。EAP现已成为一项衡量组织人性化管理卓越职场环境的指标,95%以上的世界500强企业均已开展了EAP项目。


Benefits | 益处

EAP is not only the welfare for employees, but also brings a positive impact on the organizational performance.




EAP Psychological Counseling Topics | EAP心理咨询主题

EAP services directly or indirectly address mental health, financial concerns, family issues, children education, and overall well-being. Specifically, the AHK EAP psychological topics are as below:

EAP服务直接或间接解决心理健康、财务问题、家庭问题、子女教育, 提升总体幸福感。具体而言,AHK EAP心理咨询主题包括:

  • Psychological emotion 心理情绪 
  • Love and marriage 恋爱婚姻 
  • Workplace problems 职场问题 
  • Career development 职业发展 
  • Family problems 家庭问题 
  • Parent-child education 亲子教育 
  • Addiction problems 成瘾问题 
  • Involving part of health, financial and legal advice consultation 涉及部分身体健康、财务及法律话题

Key Features | 关键特征

1. Professionality - Employee assistance programs (EAPs) will be conducted by professional and neutral third-party agencies.
2. Confidentiality - In compliance with the professional ethics, psychological consultants pay special attention to the principle of confidentiality, and are responsible for both the clients and their employers.
3. Flexibility - EAP is flexible for time and services. It offers a 24-hours hotline, 1-on-1 telephone consultation, small-scale psychological training with different levels and topics, and customized lectures etc.
1. 专业性: 员工援助计划(EAP)由专业的、中立的第三方机构提供。
2. 保密性:专业的EAP咨询机构恪守职业道德的要求 ,对企业和员工双向负责——为来访者的隐私保密。
3. 灵活性EAP服务方式多样,时间高度灵活,有24小时心理热线,有一对一的电话咨询,有分层次分主题的小规模心理培训、也有按需定制的讲座等。

Price | 价格

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1.  The annual service fee is paid upon the effectiveness of the contract.

2.  If the company size is enlarging across category, the stepwise price will be charged on a pro rata basis within the effective contract period.


1.  年度服务费在合同生效时支付。

2.  如果公司规模跨类别扩大,将在剩余合同期限内按比例收取差价。

Partner | 合作伙伴盛心logo.png

Contact Us | 联系我们

AHK Greater China 德国海外商会联盟 · 大中华区 
German Industry & Commerce Greater China 德中工商技术咨询服务有限公司 
Contact: WANG Yu, Manager, HR Solutions

Tel: 021-38585263


Organizer | 主办方


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